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Veterans, Addiction, and Recovery: Critical Factors to Understand

It typically takes a person with a BAC of 0.20 anywhere from 12 to 14 hours to reach sobriety. Whatever the case, substances were used to provide something that the person felt was missing. Therefore, a big part of recovery is finding that missing piece, and being able to give it to oneself.

Depression in Sobriety: How to Navigate Seasonal Blues While in Recovery

While addiction can negatively impact any area of life, many people hide or conceal their problems from others very well. People with addictions may deny or minimize their problems and go about daily life as usual. For example, many “high-functioning alcoholics” can and do maintain normal lives, functioning adequately at work, in relationships, and at home. Over time, substance use causes the formation of a “reward pathway” (also called an addiction pathway) in the brain, producing strong urges to repeat the behavior.

Myths About Drug Addiction That People Need to Stop Believing

Your employer may be willing to help with costs, or a family member may be able to help. The long-term costs of addiction are far greater than the short-term costs of medical treatment. Commonly abused prescription drugs myths about addiction and recovery include ADHD medications, narcotic pain medications and drugs intended to treat anxiety. Unfortunately, abuse of these drugs can be deadly, with nearly five young adults dyingeach day from prescription drug overdose.

President offers love and pride for his son’s addiction recovery after Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict

For example, research indicates that damage to the dopamine transporter system may repair over time with significant abstinence. However, there is quite a bit of individual variability that occurs in the recovery process, largely depending on the severity and duration of someone’s chronic methamphetamine use. Treatments may vary depending on the type of mental health disorder a person has. However, mental health care almost always involves some form of psychiatric counseling. A person with an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) grapples with obsessive thoughts and urges, or compulsive, repetitive behaviors. Body dysmorphia, gender dysphoria and impulse control disorder are all classified as obsessive-compulsive disorder related conditions.

Only Certain People Become Addicted

When six or more symptoms are present, the condition is considered severe. The support system in the cells is also damaged by use of methamphetamine. This can result in cellular collapse if the support structures are significantly damaged.

Myth #3: Addicts Can Quit Anytime They Want

Marijuana may also be viewed as a non-addictive drug, but it is possible to develop a dependence on this substance. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that as many as 30% of people who use marijuana will become addicted. If you display symptoms such as intense marijuana cravings, being unable to reduce your use, or missing work because of marijuana use, you may have an addiction to marijuana. Terry Hurley is a retired educational professional and freelance writer with more than fifty years of experience. A former reading specialist and learning center director, Terry loved her years working with children in the educational field.

Mental Illness Stigma

Letting them know what is going on opens the door to beneficial support. Everyone responds to treatment very differently, even if it is the same substance being abused. A successful treatment should be tailored to the individual and their specific needs. Alcohol is acceptable and easily accessible; you could even say it is celebrated in American society. Millions partake in drinking as a social activity, and unfortunately this can be where alcohol addiction starts. Whether or not you are recovering from drugs, changing any habit can be hard.

Why is it Dangerous to Believe Myths about Drug Addiction?